Sekitaran jam 10:00pm, aku masih disini, di depan Sungei Wang Plaza menikmati neon-neon malam yang bergemerlapan.
Kehijauan neon Lot 10 cukup menyerikan ditambah lagi dengan neon-neon lain yang masih terang benderang menyala dengan megahnya... Berpusu - pusu orang ramai masih lagi berkeliaran, kelihatan seperti baru sahaja selesai membeli-belah kerana di kiri dan kanan mereka menjinjing beg-beg plastik.
Pemandu - pemandu teksi pula masih beratur dan memanggil - manggil orang yang lalu lalang di depan mereka dengan lambaian senyum manis sambil bersuara "Teksi...!" bahkan tidak jemu bersuara dan memanggil demi untuk mencari rezeki.
Monorail pula masih beroperasi, ramai yang memilih untuk menggunakan pengangkutan awam ni kerana terhindar daripada kesesakan lalu lintas.
Sekali - sekala penunggang motosikal yang ingin menunjukkan aksi mereka melalui jalan depan sungai wang ini.. Mereka memulas - mulas minyak mereka bagi mengeluarkan bunyi - bunyi nyaring yang dianggap unik dan memuaskan hati bagi mereka...
Orang ramai masih berpusu-pusu keluar dari pusat membeli belah, kelihatan sekarang sungguh ramai sekali pelancong - pelancong asing dari tanah arab. Sememangnya inilah waktu mereka melawat Malaysia.
Oklah, aku mahu meneruskan perjalananku mencari detik - detik indah untuk kucoretkan di sini. Di halaman Blog ku ini.
Feel It
Thursday, 29 March 2012
AEON, Opening Today.. 29 March 2012
Lets together to Station 18, Pengkalan, 31650 Ipoh, Perak for AEON, @ Jusco Opening today...
So big & so many shop...Very convenient and i'm sure got great offer for opening promotion.
Just near to Tesco.
# Jusco, is now known as Aeon, which means 'eternity' in Latin. Aeon @ Jusco
So big & so many shop...Very convenient and i'm sure got great offer for opening promotion.
Just near to Tesco.
A Google Earth view |
Map |
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Dalam Hidup Ini, 27 Maret 2012
Jikalau di dalam kehidupan kita tidak mempunyai matlamat atau arah yang perlu dituju, dikuti dan dipegang teguh bersama - sama, sehaluan dengan keimanan dan kerohanian, maka kita mungkin tergolong di dalam orang - orang yang kehilangan. Orang yang masih lagi mencari - cari arah tujuan perlu dibimbing dan disarankan tetapi tidak boleh dipaksa atau disuruh mengikut kesemua yang diajar atau disuruh...
Sesungguhnya manusia yang dikurniakan akal dan fikiran tidak selalunya menggunakan akalnya spenuhnya dan sebaik - baiknya.
Walhal kita sudah tidak mempunyai masa dan waktu yang mencukupi untuk kita melengah-lengahkan perkara ini.
Tetapi, kenapa ya.,? Kenapa kita masih berada di takuk yang sama, tidak berganjak sedikit pun, untuk naik lebih tinggi apatah lagi... Huh!, jauh api dari panggang.
Mungkin kita masih selesa dengan apa yang kita perolehi sekarang. Kita masih suka dan tidak ada azam di dalam hati kita untuk mencari dan mendapatkan apa yang belum kita punyai.
Atau kita sudah redha... ? Atau kita malas berusaha.,? Atau sebaliknya.,?
Dalam hidup ini, jikalau kita masih lagi tidak mahu atau malas berusaha, maka kita tergolong di dalam orang orang yang rugi. Nescaya tiadalah kebaikkan untuk dirinya jika ia tergolong di dalam orang - orang yang rugi.
Sesungguhnya manusia yang dikurniakan akal dan fikiran tidak selalunya menggunakan akalnya spenuhnya dan sebaik - baiknya.
Walhal kita sudah tidak mempunyai masa dan waktu yang mencukupi untuk kita melengah-lengahkan perkara ini.
Tetapi, kenapa ya.,? Kenapa kita masih berada di takuk yang sama, tidak berganjak sedikit pun, untuk naik lebih tinggi apatah lagi... Huh!, jauh api dari panggang.
Mungkin kita masih selesa dengan apa yang kita perolehi sekarang. Kita masih suka dan tidak ada azam di dalam hati kita untuk mencari dan mendapatkan apa yang belum kita punyai.
Atau kita sudah redha... ? Atau kita malas berusaha.,? Atau sebaliknya.,?
Dalam hidup ini, jikalau kita masih lagi tidak mahu atau malas berusaha, maka kita tergolong di dalam orang orang yang rugi. Nescaya tiadalah kebaikkan untuk dirinya jika ia tergolong di dalam orang - orang yang rugi.
Mari Belajar Bahasa Jawa - Chapter 1
Bahasa Jawa adalah berasal daripada Jawa Tengah, Jogjakarta, Jawa Barat dan Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Ia dituturkan oleh lebih daripada 80 juta penduduk Indonesia. Masyarakat pengguna Bahasa Jawa juga tersebar di berbagai wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Bahasa Jawa tersebar kerana penduduknya yang merantau ke negara - negara lain seperti Malaysia, Belanda, Guyana Perancis dan Venezuela. Bahkan di Malaysia, penduduk - penduduk Jawa yang merantau dan menetap di Malaysia khususnya Selangor dan menamakan kawasan atau tempat mereka seperti Kampung Jawa dan Padang Jawa.
Untuk maklumat lanjut tentang asalnya bahasa jawa dan fonem serta sukukata. WIKIPEDIA
Dalam Chapter 1 ini kita akan mempelajari bagaimana mengira di dalam bahasa jawa. Ianya amat mudah dan senang untuk di ingati. Bahasa Jawa yang akan saya ajarkan ini adalah bahasa jawa normal (peringkat asas) tidak seperti bahasa Jawa Halus atau Bahasa Jawa Pekat Indonesia. Mari kita mulakan. Selamat belajar.!
Bahasa Jawa - Bahasa Malaysia
Siji - Satu
Loro - Dua
Telu - Tiga
Papat - Empat
Limo - Lima
Enem - Enam
Pitu - Tujuh
Wolu - Lapan
Songo - Sembilan
Sepuloh - Sepuluh
Sewelas - Sebelas
Rolas - Dua Belas
Telulas - Tiga Belas
Rongpuloh - Dua Puluh
Telongpuloh - Tiga Puluh
Patangpuloh - Empat Puluh
Limangpuloh - Lima Puluh
Satus - Seratus
Rongatus - Dua Ratus
Telongatus - Tiga Ratus
Patangatus - Empat Ratus
Limangatus - Lima Ratus
Sewu - Seribu
Rongewu - Dua Ribu
Telongewu - Tiga Ribu
Patangewu - Empat Ribu
Limangewu - Lima Ribu
Sunday, 25 March 2012
Desktop Hetty Vacuum Cleaner
What...? My name on the vacuum cleaner? really ? Oh, My... its also call as Hetty The Hoover.
Hemmm.. walking walking in the internet galaxy was found me a Desktop Vacuum Cleaner with my name on it.. so funny and so cute. Fuhhh...! Luckily ..
Its powered by 2 x AA batteries, so the sizes quite so small and so cute.
It selling in Click this link to PURCHASE
Special offer available.. :) & money back guarantee.
Can buy as a gift PURCHASE GIFT
Book Sharing Session - MYDIN : The Untold Story
Get to know the founder of MYDIN'S
author of MYDIN : The Untold Story
Date : 25 March 2012 Time : 2.00pm - 3.00pm
Venue : MPH Subang Parade
Today, March 25, 2012. I was attend A book sharing session MYDIN : The Untold Story at MPH Books Store, Subang Parade. Its start from 2.00pm until 3.00pm. Its was a great occasion when all audience and all the readers can know who is the founder of Mydin's and can meet the author of this book Datin DR. Hjh Siti Hawa Mohd.
I receive a great welcome when i meet the author Datin DR. Hjh Siti Hawa Mohd. Datin are so friendly and she look like very smart and charisma woman. Datin is Human Resources Director in this company Mydin Mohamed Holdings Bhd, also a wife to Managing Director, Dato' Dr Haji Ameer Ali. The Son of Tuan Mydin Mohamed, Chairman.
I also receive a complimentary copy of this book MYDIN : The Untold Story, and i got a sign from Datin DR. Hjh Siti Hawa Mohd , Dato' Dr Haji Ameer Ali and Tuan Mydin Mohamed.
This book is about the founder of MYDIN and the story how he started the business in line with some of Malaysia's rich people who also had to live frugally, work hard and preserve their integrity in all circumstances. All Mydins success stories can be read from this book is really enjoyable and can be used as a model and example. It reminds us that a rich family have a difficulty in life journey too. Perhaps we didn't have it that hard. Nevertheless, there are quite similar.
For another info of Mydin
Thank for invitation .. To all the staff.
Projek 100 Bloggers dari Bro Framestone
Hati ini tekad nak join projek ini, walau diri ini tak cukup langsung criteria. he he he..
Berikanlah ku peluang.. :) :) Kawan - kawan bimbinglah saya. :)
Saya Budak Baru Belajar, Kalau Salah tolong tunjukkan.
Projek 100 bloggers dikendalikan oleh Bro Framestone dalam mengumpulkan 100 bloggers Malaysia yang mampu diketengahkan kepada beberapa syarikat yang sudi mengiklan di 100 blog yang terpilih.
Kriteria yang di cari :-
Kriteria yang di cari :-
- blog yang mempunyai trafik dalam 500 uv dan keatas dalam sehari
- Blog yang mempunyai komen 5 - 10 komen.
- blog berbahasa Melayu atau English
- blog berbahasa Melayu atau English
- blog yang berkualiti (bukan copy paste)
- sekurang-kurangnya 4 kali blog di update dalam seminggu.
- tidak terikat dengan mana-mana syarikat pengiklanan
- sanggup memberi komitmen dalam menjaya Projek 100 Bloggers
- blog mempunyai 'niche' remaja lelaki/perempuan, teknologi, kekeluargaan dan makanan
nak join? mudah sahaja, anda hanya perlu...
- promote projek ini di blog anda (dalam bentuk blog post)
- kemudian isi Borang ini
- tunggu feedback – email atau call dari Bro Framestone
- jika layak, anda akan dipilih
untuk maklumat lanjut boleh clik kt SINI
Saturday, 24 March 2012
Stylish 35 , A Charity Haircut
An Exclusive haircuts by 35 stylists from renowned tenants.
All proceeds will go to the Home for special people, Cheras, Selangor.
Venue : Concourse level - Sungei Wang Plaza
Date : 11 March 2012 (Sunday)
Time : 11 am - 8 pm
In conjunction with - 35 Anniversary
Main Sponsor = APT ( A Professional Team )
On this date, at this venue, I've go for cut my hair with only RM 10. This is such a good event for charity and can attract all shoppers to donate and have this service. Its seriously different from other charity activity.
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All stylish are ready for the jobs. |
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Picture with special people. |
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the jobs in progress |
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im participate too |
Sunday, 11 March 2012
Cerita Pak Cik teksi episod 1
Tadi, aku naik teksi dari lrt ker rumah..Perjalanan ke rumah mengambil masa lebih kurang 10 minit dengan tambang tidak lebih RM 5, dan biasanya aku keep the change je ngan pakcik teksi. Maka aku berceritalah dengan pak cik teksi ni.. Dia baru sahaja 4 bulan bawa teksi selepas bersara dari kerje goverment..
Masuk - masuk teksi aku terus cakap phase 2, terus pakcik tu tanya balik, " kat mana tu "... Hillpark lah pakcik... Yang lawaknyer terus pakcik tu gelak , "pakcik tau sebenarnyer tapi cuma nakkan kepastian.." Hehe, pakcik ni buat lawak pulak kat aku...
Maka aku pun terus memulakan cerita.... Dan bertanya serba sedikit pasal pakcik ni... Dulu pakcik ni duduk kat pantai dalam.. Tapi sekarang sudah berpindah ke Sungai Besi...Isterinya di rumah selalu cemburu kerana pak cik ni selalu balik lewat malam.... Alamak, dah tua tua pun masih cemburu - cemburu ker.,? Then aku pun menyuarakan pendapat aku... "biasalah pakcik hati tua tua ni sensitif sikit" hehe...
Aku bertanya pakcik ni... Selama 4 bulan bawa teksi ni ada tak perkara - perkara yang tak best berlaku....
Terus pakcik ni bercerita kalau rompakan tu xde, tapi orang tak bayar adalah...
"Ada seorang uncle mereng dari seksyen 18 shah alam.. Selalu naik teksi x bayar.. Masa tu dalam kerete pakcik ni ada pisang dan gula2,, dengan tak malunyer uncle mereng ni makan pisang dan gula2 tu.". Dan bila sampai tempat dituju. Uncle mereng ni terus keluar tanpa membayar teksi.. Uncle mereng ni always say "wa talak duit",, haha.. Memang ramai teksi driver yang dah terkene dengan uncle mereng ni...
Tapi pakcik ni penyabar orangnyer... Just tot yang itu bukan rezeki dia..
Sesekali dengar uncle teksi punya cerita memang best... Cubalah dengar teksi yang lain pula...
Thursday, 8 March 2012
The New iPad 3 is out... Third Generation.

Apple unveils new iPad, Apple TV box
The new iPad boasts a more powerful processor, eye-grabbing resolution on par with that of an iPhone 4S, and the ability to connect to the latest 4G LTE telecom networks.
The new iPad boasts a more powerful processor, eye-grabbing resolution on par with that of an iPhone 4S, and the ability to connect to the latest 4G LTE telecom networks.
SAN FRANCISCO - Apple unveiled a third-generation iPad on Wednesday enhanced with features aimed at keeping it on top of the booming tablet computer market.
The new iPad boasts a more powerful processor, eye-grabbing resolution on par with that of an iPhone 4S, and the ability to connect to the latest 4G LTE telecom networks that move data faster than their predecessors.
"We think that iPad is the poster child of the post-PC world," Apple chief executive Tim Cook said, noting that iPad sales topped those of any personal computer maker during the final three months of last year.
"We have redefined once again the category Apple created just two years ago with the original iPad," Cook said at a press event in San Francisco, the first major product release by Apple since the death of founder Steve Jobs.
The new iPad will go on sale March 16 in Canada, France, Germany and the United States at the same price as the previous models, which start at $499 for the most basic iPad featuring wireless connectivity only.
An iPad with 16 gigabytes of memory and with both Wi-Fi and 4G connectivity will cost $629 (S$793) in the United States while a 32GB Wi-Fi/4G model will cost $729 and a 64GB version with Wi-Fi and 4G will cost $829.
In a bid to cater to budget-minded shoppers, Apple will sell a 16GB version of the iPad 2 at a trimmed price of $399.
The new iPad screen was billed as the best display ever on a mobile device. The tablet also features a five-megapixel camera and high-definition video recording.
Apple said the latest model has the same 10-hour battery life as its predecessor, with the span cut by about an hour with constant use of high-performing 4G telecom networks.
The third-generation iPad weighs 1.4 pounds and is 9.4 mm thick, slightly heavier and slightly thicker than the previous model.
Apple showed off an enhanced suite of iPad applications for tasks ranging from movie editing to making music or managing one's life.
A new iPhoto application turns the iPad into a slick tool for editing pictures with simple touches or automated features.
Epic Games president Mike Capps joined Cook to show off a version of the Infinity Blade videogame for the iPad, contending the quality was comparable to videogame console play.
"It is an evolutionary upgrade with a lot of revolutionary features," said Gartner analyst Michael Gartenberg. "It is going to put a lot more pressure than before on iPad competitors.
"The updates to GarageBand, iMovie, and the new iPhoto will drive this going forward," Gartenberg said.
"At the end of the day it isn't going to be Tim Cook that sells the iPad, it is going to be the iPad that sells the iPad; and they are going to sell a lot of them," he said.
Apple has dominated the tablet market since launching the iPad two years ago and few expect that to change anytime soon.
IMS Research predicted that Apple would increase its tablet market share to 70 per cent in 2012 from 62 per cent in 2011 and it will ship 70 million iPads this year, up 71 per cent over the previous year.
"Apple's insistence on blending hardware innovation with services innovation will keep the iPad at the front of the tablet pack for the foreseeable future," said Forrester analyst Sarah Rotman Epps.
Apple real-world stores will be "critically important" since the high-resolution screen is the major improvement in the iPad, and it needs to be seen to be fully appreciated, according to Gartner analyst Van Baker.
"It is astoundingly beautiful, but people are going to have to get it in their hands to see this," Baker said.
A new dictation-taking feature could be a stumbling point for the iPad, since that type of technology has proven to be a bane to other companies, according to independent analyst Rob Enderle of Silicon Valley.
The California-based gadget-maker on Wednesday also released an updated version of the Apple TV box used to stream movies, television shows and other content from the Internet to high-definition TV sets.
The new Apple TV box, which Apple said features a streamlined new user interface, will sell for the same $99 price as the previous model.
Apple released the first version of Apple TV in 2007 but it has never really caught on with the public.
The iPad event was the second Apple product launch by Cook since he took over for Jobs, and both events showcased improved versions of products.
"Let's wait and see if Apple can bring an astounding new class of product to market," Baker said. "Ultimately, they need to do that."
Investors appeared unsurprised by Apple's announcements, with the company's stock price inching up slightly to $530.70 a share in trading on the NASDAQ.
An Info from
Thank you.
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Langit tidak selalunya cerah.
Sesungguhnya langit tidak selalu cerah, lebih - lebih lagi sekarang ini, hujan terlalu lebat di luar sana, aku juga tadi kebasahan sangat kekuyupan.. Jalan raya di penuhi dengan air..kereta lalu lalang hanya memercikkan air yang bertakung di jalan raya. habislah kena kat aku, sebab itu aku kebasahan kekuyupan....
Ceritanya begini, kenapalah dia tu susah sangat nak memahami yang aku ni sebenarnya ada menaruh hati pada nya.. Mungkin aku hanya bermimpi yang suatu hari nanti dia akan tersedar bahawa apa yang dia cari selama ini ada pada aku..
If you could see that I'm the one who understands you.
seperti malam-malam yang sudah-sudah
hati ini selalu sepi tak ada yang menghiasi
seperti cinta ini yang selalu pupus
tuhan kirimkanlah aku kekasih yang baik hati
yang mencintai aku apa adanya
mawar ini semakin layu tak ada yang memiliki
seperti aku ini semakin pupus
Ceritanya begini, kenapalah dia tu susah sangat nak memahami yang aku ni sebenarnya ada menaruh hati pada nya.. Mungkin aku hanya bermimpi yang suatu hari nanti dia akan tersedar bahawa apa yang dia cari selama ini ada pada aku..
If you could see that I'm the one who understands you.
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You belong with me
Dreaming bout the day when you wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time
You belong with me
Dreaming bout the day when you wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time
Have you ever thought just maybe, sesungguhnya aku sudah penat, penat menghadapi semua ini. Penat untuk memulakan langkah dari pertama, permulaan, start.. Alangkah baiknya kalau boleh dapat seperti jatuh kedebuk jer mcm tu,.. hehehe...
Hetty, wake up... You are dreaming,...! wake up.. Go head for what you have start... keep it up and dont give up..!
Huarghhhhh...!!! apa aku bermimpi ker... ? betulker? bila masa lak aku tido... kan tadi baru jer balik keje, lepas sampai rumah, mandi dan berbaring sambil menulis blog ini. bila masa aku tidur...
Hei.. Tulisan merah,,, ko siapa?
Aku adalah satu suara dari dalam sudut hati kamu yang satu lagi...
he he he.. yer ker,? kenapa aku tak tau... Apalah tadi aku nak tulis pasal lain... sekarang dah masuk ke topic lain plak...
Sebenarnyer.. orang yang aku admirer ni jauh di Eropah sana.. dia pun dah tau yang aku sukakan dia.. dan yang paling bestnyer dia pun suka kat aku, honestly.. tapi sekarang nie dia x nak hubungan jarak jauh.. sebab dia ada history pasal far - far away relationship ni...
So apa yang aku boleh buat.. tunggu..? tempoh dia bekerja di sana ialah 3 tahun.. Aku janji selama itu juga aku akan menunggu, aku akan menanti.. so buat masa sekarang nie memang aku tak tau nak cakap apa and nak buat macam mana..
Berbaloi ker apa yang ko tunggu tu...?Baik ko grab jer apa yang ada di depan mata ko.. tapi kenalah pilih pilih cikit..
Diamlah tulisan merah, aku serius ni,, aku sanggup menunggu.. walau beribu tahun pun.. so sekarang aku akan terus menunggu dan menunggu. Menanti dan menanti.. Harap - harap penantian aku ini berbaloi.
Tuhan silalah dengar rintihan hati ni...
malam ini ku sendiri tak ada yang menemaniseperti malam-malam yang sudah-sudah
hati ini selalu sepi tak ada yang menghiasi
seperti cinta ini yang selalu pupus
tuhan kirimkanlah aku kekasih yang baik hati
yang mencintai aku apa adanya
mawar ini semakin layu tak ada yang memiliki
seperti aku ini semakin pupus
Thanks Tulisan merah....
Sunday, 4 March 2012
Songwriters: Kimberly Perry
If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in the river at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song
Lord make me a rainbow, I'll shine down on my mother
She'll know I'm safe with you when she stands under my colors
Oh, and life ain't always what you think it ought to be, no
Ain't even gray, but she buries her baby
The sharp knife of a short life
Well, I've had just enough time
If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in the river at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song
The sharp knife of a short life
Well, I've had just enough time
And I'll be wearing white when I come into your kingdom
I'm as green as the ring on my little cold finger
I've never known the loving of a man
But it sure felt nice when he was holding my hand
There's a boy here in town, says he'll love me forever
Who would have thought forever could be severed by
The sharp knife of a short life
Well, I've had just enough time
So put on your best, boys, and I'll wear my pearls
What I never did is done
A penny for my thoughts, oh no, I'll sell 'em for a dollar
They're worth so much more after I'm a goner
And maybe then you'll hear the words I been singing
Funny, when you're dead how people start listening
If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in the river at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song
The ballad of a dove
Go with peace and love
Gather up your tears, keep 'em in your pocket
Save them for a time when you're really gonna need them, oh
The sharp knife of a short life
Well, I've had just enough time
So put on your best, boys
And I'll wear my pearls
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in the river at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song
Lord make me a rainbow, I'll shine down on my mother
She'll know I'm safe with you when she stands under my colors
Oh, and life ain't always what you think it ought to be, no
Ain't even gray, but she buries her baby
The sharp knife of a short life
Well, I've had just enough time
If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in the river at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song
The sharp knife of a short life
Well, I've had just enough time
And I'll be wearing white when I come into your kingdom
I'm as green as the ring on my little cold finger
I've never known the loving of a man
But it sure felt nice when he was holding my hand
There's a boy here in town, says he'll love me forever
Who would have thought forever could be severed by
The sharp knife of a short life
Well, I've had just enough time
So put on your best, boys, and I'll wear my pearls
What I never did is done
A penny for my thoughts, oh no, I'll sell 'em for a dollar
They're worth so much more after I'm a goner
And maybe then you'll hear the words I been singing
Funny, when you're dead how people start listening
If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in the river at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song
The ballad of a dove
Go with peace and love
Gather up your tears, keep 'em in your pocket
Save them for a time when you're really gonna need them, oh
The sharp knife of a short life
Well, I've had just enough time
So put on your best, boys
And I'll wear my pearls
Friday, 2 March 2012
By by February, Welcome March
February are the month of Love for me, where i got my love this month for a valentine & I hope for everything in my life also. I just hope that our relationship going on better and better. Even we both very far far away with antartika, mediterannian & all of the ocean. I hope that its not a matter to us for being a great couple.
Hope this relationship will end with a great weeding in the garden such as my dream... My wish and My hope...
A four years will be given on us for our relationship... Wanna see the long distance relationship will work or not... Ill pray to God to hope that guy is my serious future husband to me, because im really tired to know anyone already.
March will see our starting progress.. Mail by mail was send as our conversation, Good start and good sign when he also admit by saying honestly...
Mr. I I... I miss you
Hope this relationship will end with a great weeding in the garden such as my dream... My wish and My hope...
A four years will be given on us for our relationship... Wanna see the long distance relationship will work or not... Ill pray to God to hope that guy is my serious future husband to me, because im really tired to know anyone already.
March will see our starting progress.. Mail by mail was send as our conversation, Good start and good sign when he also admit by saying honestly...
Mr. I I... I miss you
Thursday, 1 March 2012
Yes, finally I got the word, the word that can make my heart popping a beautiful flower, full of happiness, I love it...
God, please make this as mine, I'm seriously like him so much, i hope we can together forever, even now we are so far with each other,
Europa and Malaysia, a long distance relationship was created yesterday by 28 February 2012, its continue to 29 February 2012.
I like him so much, I miss him so much, A four years are be given to us to proof our long distance relationship successful. hope we can get the happiness later by year of five.
Im here to wait for you,
Im here to sacrifice to you,
Im here to standing alone for waiting you to come back and get closer to me...
Missing you,
Mr, I I
God, please make this as mine, I'm seriously like him so much, i hope we can together forever, even now we are so far with each other,
Europa and Malaysia, a long distance relationship was created yesterday by 28 February 2012, its continue to 29 February 2012.
I like him so much, I miss him so much, A four years are be given to us to proof our long distance relationship successful. hope we can get the happiness later by year of five.
Im here to wait for you,
Im here to sacrifice to you,
Im here to standing alone for waiting you to come back and get closer to me...
Missing you,
Mr, I I
The Cute Owl
Have you ever hug a OWL..? try it. catch them only when daylight, because they cannot see clearly.
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